Each candidate is required to plan, prepare, and conduct a campfire program. It is the candidates’ responsibility to find the Vice-chief and schedule a campfire time. Each campfire should be allotted at least one hour for presentation and grading. Campfires are often scheduled two or three in a row to accommodate several candidates in the same troop. The Vice-chief should tell the candidates that Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are the best times to have their first campfire, leaving Thursday or Friday as an opportunity for a redo. Circumstances may allow for campfires to be done outside of the normal evening time frame. Units with several candidates have done after lunch fires. In some Cub Camps staff have job responsibilities that require them to do a fire outside of the normal time.
Each campfire should be assigned three graders, but often there are not enough graders and only two are assigned. One of the graders is designated as the head grader. The head grader must be a staff member and must have graded several fires before. Ransburg or Krietenstein campers who are Firecrafters may grade campfires, but they may not be head grader, and it is highly recommended that they not grade someone from their own troop. No adult Firecrafter should grade a campfire, unless not enough youth are available and it is approved by the Fire Executive Committee. Adults may sit in on the grading and comment. Any Firecrafter may sit in on a grading.
The Vice-chief should find graders for the day’s campfires at breakfast and lunch of that day. A Firecrafter should always be asked to grade before they are put on the grading assignment sheet. However it is the right of the Camp Director to determine grading campfires a duty of a staff member if not enough graders are willing to volunteer. The sheet should always be posted around camp before dinner starts.
The Vice-chief should be in possession of all grading folders (which include grading procedures and grading sheets) and candles. Grading folders and candles are passed out to grading teams before they will grade. The candles and the folders (including results) are to be given back to the Vice-chief the same night as the grading.
As a member of a Fire, it is your responsibility to put fourth your best effort at being the Model Firecrafter.
These procedures are designed to guide the graders through the grading process.
Firecrafter is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Copyright © 2018 | www.Firecrafter.org | Crossroads of America Council | Boy Scouts of America