The following applies to Boy Scout and Cub Scout programs
Presides at all meetings of the Fire and Fire Executive Committee
Administers all levels of the Firecrafter program in camp
Is directly responsible to the camp director
Directs the operation of the other officers
Calls meetings of the Fire when needed (Recommended once a week, may not be necessary for Cub Scout Camps)
Calls meetings of the Fire Executive Committee when needed
Acts in the Chief’s place during the Chief’s absence
Oversees the administration of the ranks of Firecrafter in camp (Other individuals may be assigned or hired to administer)
Meets with the other officers before staff week to review the administration of the Firecrafter Rank
Meets with the candidates Sunday night and coordinates induction ceremony
Assigns graders to candidate campfires
Keeps Fire informed on the requirements for all camp ranks
Speak at Unit Leader’s meeting (if possible, may not be option in all camps)
Hold daily meetings for the Firecrafter candidates
Hold special meeting to explain campfire expectations grading
Guide candidates in Fire by Friction
Collect all candidate cards and summary sheets at end of camp week
Keeps records of Firecrafter Candidates
Keeps records of all levels of Firecrafter program in camp (Must provide the following information for all Scouts who complete Camper, Woodsman, and Firecrafter: Name, Unit, District, Rank attained)
Keeps minutes of all meetings
Maintains an inventory of all Firecrafter materials
Orders Firecrafter supplies through the Treasurer of the Firecrafter Council
Keeps records of all receipts and expenditures by the Fire
Attends and provides guidance at all meetings of the Fire, the Executive Committee, and Minisinos
If necessary, removes any officer of the Fire from office
Nominates key staff members for membership in Firecrafter
Imposes a veto in such situations as they deems advisable