The purpose of this Fire Administration Manual is to provide guidance to the officers of all Firecrafter Fires. Much of the information contained in this manual needs to be passed on to all Firecrafters in camp in order for the program to run smoothly and become successful. This document is the guiding body for the Firecrafter summer program. Any questions or problems need to be presented to the Fire Chief. If further consideration is required, please refer to the Firecrafter Executive Council Committee as soon as possible.
According to the Firecrafter Constitution, a “Fire” is defined as follows:
The Webelos-Campers, Firelighters, Campers, Woodsmen, Firecrafters, and Minisinos, both adults and youth, residing at any one time in an operating Council summer camp shall constitute the Fire of that camp. The Fire shall provide for the candidacy of potential members, and shall work toward improving the physical facilities and the program of their respective camps.
A Fire is the functioning body of Firecrafter that administrates the camp ranks. Camps must be chartered by the Firecrafter Council Committee to become a Fire.
Current Fires in Operation: Camp Belzer, Camp Kikthawenund, Camp Krietenstein, Pathfinder Day Camp, Bear Creek Day Camp, Red Wing Day Camp and Ransburg Scout Reservation.
Firecrafter is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
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