The fire should provide service to the camp in which it resides. There are two main aspects of service that should be considered before the summer season begins. The main areas are candidate service and Firecrafter member service.
Candidates for Firecrafter ranks will need service hours as a requirement. The Fire chief and the Vice-chief should either find a long-term project for all candidates to work on in the summer, or notify areas such as the Rangers, Quartermaster, and kitchen that candidates will be sent there for service. It is usually best to let the candidates choose the area in which they want to participate. This way, the camp will receive service hours in all areas evenly.
Members of Firecrafter have a duty to serve. Often while at camp, Firecrafters are looking for ways to help out. It is best if the Fire Chief and the Vice-chief to talk with the ranger to find one full-summer project for all Firecrafters to work on over the summer, or have a new project each week or so for all the members. Make sure opportunities are available. It is the Fire Chief’s and Vice-chief’s responsibility to make sure arrangements are made and that these opportunities are advertised and announced.
Firecrafter is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
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