Comprised by: Justin Sloan, Nathan Butler, David Babcock, Justin 'Sox' Scott, Josh Brown, Shawn Fitzpatrick, Chuck Sparks, Robert Saywell
The Firecrafter Code is a document of standards and methods for the three ranks of the Firecrafter Organization. As provided by the Constitution and By-Laws of the Firecrafter Organization, and any deviation from standards and methods here- in contained shall be considered by the Council Committee or other responsible authority as a violation of purpose, making the offender liable for censure, suspension, expulsion, or impeachment. Continued infraction may result in loss of Fire's Charter.
Amendment of this document is the function of the Council Committee. It is therefore the responsibility of every Firecrafter to recommend changes where improvement is possible, and the responsibility of the Chief and Vice-Chief, as representatives of that Committee, to propose carefully studied revisions that will keep this document functional and current.
Firecrafter is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
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