Section 1. Rules of Order
All Firecrafter meetings shall be conducted in accordance with Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, except as explicitly modified in the Firecrafter Constitution and By-laws. Interpretation of Roberts Rules of order will be by Webster’s New World Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, Eleventh Edition
Section 2. Quorum.
The quorum for a meeting of any Firecrafter committee, other than the Firecrafter Council Committee and the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee, shall be one-half of the voting members of the committee.
Section 3. Effective Vote.
In any Firecrafter meeting, a simple majority vote of the voting members present and voting shall be sufficient to approve any action, except as otherwise required by the Firecrafter Constitution or by Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised, as modified herein.
Section 4. Duty to Attend.
Any member of a Firecrafter committee who shall be unable to attend any stated or special meeting shall be required to inform the committee chairman of his prospective absence and the reason for it, and to name his alternate, if an alternative is permitted.
Section 5. Repeated Absences.
Repeated absences of any Firecrafter officer from meetings of his unit, or of any member from stated or special meetings of a Firecrafter committee, shall be cause for the presiding officer of such unit or committee to declare the position of such officer or member vacant.
Section 6. Vacancies.
In the event of a vacancy in an elective office of any Firecrafter unit, the presiding officer of that unit shall appoint a replacement to occupy the office until the next regularly scheduled election. A vacancy in an appointed position shall be filled by the officer or advisor who made the original appointment. If the vacancy is in the office of the presiding officer of the unit, The Vice Chief of the unit shall take over as the presiding officer with the consent of the advisor. The new presiding officer will then, with the advisee and consent of the advisor, appoint a replacement for his previously vacant seat.
Section 7. Training.
Firecrafter officers at all levels shall undergo training before taking office at Fall Frenzy. Such training shall be the responsibility of the advisors at each functional level. The location, date and time of said shall be announced by the Council Advisor at the start of the election of the Firecrafter Council Officers at Grand Ritual
Section 8. Special Meetings.
The presiding officer of any Firecrafter unit or committee shall have the authority to call special meetings of his unit or committee upon notice duly given to the members.
Section 1. Powers and Functions.
The Firecrafter Council Committee shall have the following powers and functions:
To adopt and amend the Firecrafter Constitution, By-laws, and Code in accordance with the procedures set forth in the Constitution.
To establish Firecrafter policy.
To guide, conduct, and oversee the business of Firecrafter.
With the advice of the Treasurer of the Firecrafter Council and the Treasurer of the Firecrafter Alumni Association, gives prior approval or rejects all expenditures and fund-raising projects on behalf of Firecrafter.
To provide encouragement and guidance to any Firecrafter unit toward the accomplishment of its purpose.
To require regular or special efforts from all units of Firecrafter.
To enforce proper conduct by all Firecrafter and Firecrafter units in accordance with the Firecrafter Constitution, By-laws, and Code.
To declare a vacancy in its membership.
To operate or suspend any unit of Firecrafter.
To review, upon appeal, the suspension or expulsion of any member of Firecrafter, in which case a two-thirds majority of those voting, by Australian ballot, shall be required to sustain such suspension or expulsion.
Section 2. Quorum.
The quorum for a meeting of the Firecrafter Council Committee shall consist of the Council Advisor or the Professional Advisor, and one-half of the voting members of the committee.
Section 1. Powers and functions.
The basic function of the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee shall be to conduct the business of Firecrafter between meetings of the Firecrafter Council Committee. To this end, the two committees shall have the same powers except that the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee shall not have the power to adopt the Firecrafter Constitution, By-laws, or Code, or to amend the Firecrafter Constitution, and shall not have the power to nullify or reverse prior decisions of the Firecrafter Council Committee.
Section 2. Quorum.
The quorum for a meeting of the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee shall consist of the Council Advisor or the Professional Advisor, and one-half of the voting members of the committee.
Section 1. Election of Chief, Vice-Chief, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Firecrafter Council.
The chairman of the election shall be the current Chief of the Firecrafter Council. In conducting the election, the Chief shall (1) explain the election procedure, then (2) proceed with the election of such officer in sequence, starting with the Chief and continuing with the Vice-Chief, the Secretary, and the Treasurer. The election procedure shall be as follows:
1) Read aloud the duties of the office as enumerated in the Firecrafter Constitutions and By-Laws
2) Ask for nominations.
3) Ask the member making a nomination to give a brief description of his candidate’s qualifications.
4) Ask the candidate if they will accept the nomination.
5) At the end of the nomination, ask each nominee to speak to the group about his qualifications and his ideas for the coming year.
6) Allow a period of no more than five minutes for the members of each flame and ember to caucus and determine the allocation of their votes.
7) Ask the nominees to leave the room, then direct the Secretary to call the roll of the embers in alphabetical order to receive and record their votes. An ember may pass on the first round, but must vote on the second round or forfeit its vote.
8) Announce the tabulation of the votes and the name of the winner, who must receive a majority of the votes cast.
9) If no nominee receives a majority of the votes cast, the Chief shall conduct a run-off election between the two candidates receiving the highest number of votes. If one of the candidates receiving the highest number of votes is tied with another candidate having an equal number of votes, the Chief shall conduct a run-off election among all candidates having the highest number of votes cast and conduct subsequent run-off elections, dropping the lowest vote-receiving candidates until one candidate receives a majority of the votes cast.
Section 2. Apportionment of votes.
In the election of the Chief, Vice-chief, Secretary, and Treasurer of the Firecrafter Council, each Ember shall be entitled to three votes, plus bonus votes determined as follows: Prior to the election, the Secretary shall determine the number of youth Firecrafter members who completed a Ritual that summer and in which Ember they reside. The Ember with the largest number of new Firecrafter members shall be allotted five bonus votes. Each remaining Ember shall be allotted bonus votes according to the number of its new Firecrafter in proportion to the Embers having the largest number:
New Firecrafter members (% of Largest Number) Bonus Votes
....................... 80% or more............................................................ 4
....................... 60 to 79%............................................................ 3
....................... 40 to 59%............................................................ 2
....................... Less than 40%.................................................... 0
Section 3. Casting of Votes.
The members of each Ember present shall determine to which candidate its votes shall be cast. If no member of an Ember is present at an election, the members of its Flame present shall determine to which candidates that Ember’s votes shall be cast.
Section 4. Duties of Officers and Advisors.
1) Presides over all meetings of the Firecrafter Council, Firecrafter Council Committee, and Firecrafter Council Executive Committee.
2) Through the Secretary, calls meetings of the Firecrafter Council and its governing committees; receives, assembles, and presents materials for consideration at such meetings through an appropriate agenda.
3) Appoints such committees as the chief, the Firecrafter Council, the Firecrafter Council Committee, and the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee deem necessary to conduct the business of Firecrafter.
4) Coordinates, supervises, and reinforces the efforts of the various committees to ensure that their assigned functions and objectives are accomplished.
5) Serves as liaison between the Firecrafter Council and other units and committees of Firecrafter.
6) Makes certain that the tasks of the other Firecrafter Council officers are properly coordinated.
7) Conducts election of Firecrafter Council officers.
1) Acts in place of the Chief or any other Firecrafter Council officer in the absence of the later.
2) Assists the Chief in all of the Chief’s duties.
3) Serves as Chairman of Camp Promotion, Summer Operations Committee, Event Operations Committee, and of Firecrafter Promotion.
4) Coordinates the Fires in training, preparation, and functioning.
1) Maintains accurate minutes of all meetings of the Firecrafter Council Committee and Executive Committee.
2) Conducts all necessary correspondence on behalf of the Firecrafter Council.
3) Makes certain that all Firecrafter invitations are sent and followed up.
4) Distributes to members of the Firecrafter Council Committee and Executive Committee, fifteen days before stated meetings, the minutes of the previous meeting and notice and agenda for the coming meeting. Only items appearing on the agenda may be brought forward for action. Items not appearing on the agenda may be opened for discussion and acted upon at a subsequent meeting as Old Business.
5) Updates copies of the Firecrafter Constitution and By-laws on the website as soon as practicable after amendments have been adopted. As soon as practicable, but in no case later than 15 days after the amendments
6) Is responsible for the registration of youth candidates and youth Firecrafter members at the Rituals and making sufficient lists of both.
7) May appoint, with the advice and counsel of the Secretary of the Alumni Association and the Council Advisor, a Newsletter Editor to serve as Chairman of the Communication Committee, directly under the authority of and responsibility to the secretary. If someone is not appointed for the position, it is the responsibility of the Council Secretary to take responsibility for the newsletter.
8) Is responsible for accurately maintaining the Firecrafter home page, Updates the site no later than 15 days after any meeting of the Council Committee or Executive committee. Checks the website 7 days prior to the Mid-winter Dinner, Spring Fellowship, Fall Frenzy, Midsummer Ritual, and Grand Ritual, to ensure accuracy of material available to the public. May appoint a Webmaster for this role in consultation with the Council Chief and Alumni Secretary.
The function of this committee shall be to maintain accurate membership and mailing lists and to prepare and distribute newsletters four times yearly or as directed by action of the Firecrafter Council Committee. The membership of the committee shall include the secretaries of each of the Flames and Embers.
1)Administers the finances of Firecrafter in collaboration with the Treasurer of the Alumni Association.
2)Keeps a current ledger account of all receipts and expenditures for the year and maintains documentation for all such transactions.
3)Receives all revenues of Firecrafter other than revenues of the Alumni Association.
4)With the assistance of the Treasurer of the Alumni Association, annually prepare a financial report showing, at a minimum, beginning cash on hand, receipts, disbursements, and ending cash on hand, as well as a comparison of budgeted receipts and disbursements to actual receipts and disbursements.
5)Authorizes disbursement of Firecrafter funds jointly with the Treasurer of the Alumni Association.
6)Prepares and submits a budget for Firecrafter to the Firecrafter Council Committee in November of each year.
7)Collects all fees associated with the Rituals from youth candidates and youth members of Firecrafter.
8)Controls the sale and distribution of all Firecrafter emblems and insignia.
9)Fulfills the duties listed in the Financial Policy of the Firecrafter Council.
10)May appoint, with the advice and counsel of the Treasurer of the Alumni Association and the Council Advisor, a Quartermaster, who shall be under the authority of and directly responsible for all materials by:
a)Maintaining an accurate inventory of all materials,
b)Ordering all necessary materials for camps and Rituals,
c) Distributing Fire boxes to all camps, and
d)Distributing materials to new Firecrafter members at Rituals.
Advisor to the Firecrafter Council:
1)Advises and counsels the youth officers of the Firecrafter Council.
2)Advises and counsels the Firecrafter Council Committee, the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee, and the Alumni Association Executive Committee.
3)Generally serves to coordinate all elements of Firecrafter to help them operate properly.
4)Provides information to the Firecrafter Council Committee and Executive Committee, and recommends such measures as the Advisor deems appropriate.
5)Imposes a veto in such situations as the Advisor deems it advisable, subject to the right of appeal to the Crossroads of America Council Scout Executive.
6)Arranges training for the members of the Firecrafter Council Committee.
7)Appoints such Associate Advisors and assistants as the Advisor deems necessary for the success and progress of the Firecrafter program.
Professional Advisor:
1)Provides liaison between the Firecrafter Council Committee and the Crossroads of America Council Scout Executive and his professional staff as well as the volunteer membership of the Crossroads of America Council.
2)Advises the Council Advisor in matters of policy relating to proposals of the Firecrafter Council Committee.
3)Imposes such veto in such situations as they deems it advisable, subject to the right of appeal to the Crossroads of America Council Scout Executive.
4)Provides guidance in such matters and activities as they consider appropriate.
Section 1. Functions.
The Flame shall carry out the following functions:
1)Participate in Firecrafter Council Functions.
2)Can recommend granting, revoking, or renewing the charter of each Ember within the Flame.
3)Require regular reports from all Embers within the Flame and from all standing and special committees.
4) Work on charter with Embers and yearly planning of flame activities.
Section 2. Duties of Officers and Advisors.
1)Presides over all meetings of the Flame, and Flame Executive Committee.
2)Through the Secretary/Treasurer, calls meetings of the Flame and the Flame Executive Committee; receives, assembles, and presents materials for consideration at such meetings through an appropriate agenda.
3)Appoints such committees as they, the Flame, and the Flame Executive Committee deem necessary to conduct the business of Firecrafter.
4)Coordinates, supervises, and reinforces the efforts of the various committees to ensure that their assigned functions and objectives are accomplished.
5)Serves as liaison between the Flame and other units and committees of Firecrafter.
6)Represents the Flame as an officer of the Firecrafter Council Committee and the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee.
7)Provides reports and proposals as required or requested by the Firecrafter Council Committee, the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee, or the Flame Executive Committee.
8)Informs the Flame concerning the actions of the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee.
9) Plans Flame Events and activities to accomplish the mission of strengthening the flame.
Vice Chief
1)Acts in the Chief’s place in the Chief’s absence.
2)Maintains accurate minutes of all meetings of the Flame Executive Committee.
3)Conducts such correspondence as required in connection with the activities of the Flame.
4)Distributes the membership of the Flame Executive Committee, fifteen days before stated meetings, the minutes of the previous meeting and the notice and agenda for the coming meeting.
5)Is responsible, at any Flame function, for the registration of both youth and adult members of Firecrafter and reporting the attendance to the Secretary of the Firecrafter Council.
6)Keeps records of all receipts and expenditures by the Flame.
7)At any Flame function, controls any registration fees and other funds collected, and deposits such moneys with the Firecrafter Council Treasurer as soon as possible.
8)Disburses Flame funds as authorized by the Flame Advisor and the Firecrafter Council Treasurer as soon as possible.
1)Counsels all elements of the Flame to help them operate properly.
2)Provides information to the Flame and recommends such measures as the Advisor deems appropriate.
3)Imposes a veto in such situations as the Advisor deems it advisable, subject to review by the Council Advisor.
4)Appoints Ember Advisors as provided in the Firecrafter Constitution.
5)Appoints an Advisor for each committee within the Flame.
6)Attends meetings of the Firecrafter Council Committee and the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee.
7)Represents the Flame at all Alumni Executive Committee meetings.
Section 1. Functions.
The Ember shall, as condition to being chartered by the Flame Executive Committee, commit itself to carrying out the following functions:
1)Participate in Firecrafter Council Functions.
2)Promote long-term camping for all scouting units within its district(s).
3)Promote the Firecrafter program through troop visitations and Ember activities.
4)Render service in the form of at least two major service projects a year.
5)Support the Firecrafter Council budget.
Section 2. District without a Chartered Ember.
In the event a District cannot qualify for chartering as an Ember or part of an Ember, the Flame shall appoint such officers as are necessary for the normal operation of an Ember within the District, and shall operate the area as if it were an Ember until such time as the requirements for chartering can be met.
Section 3. Out-of-Council Members
Firecrafter members residing outside the Crossroads of America Council must affiliate with the Ember nearest their residence.
Section 4. Duties of Officers and Advisors.
1)Presides at all Ember meetings.
2)Appoints appropriate committees.
3)Represents the Ember as a member of the Firecrafter Council Committee and the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee.
4)Provides reports and proposals as required or requested by the Firecrafter Council Committee, the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee, the Flame of the Ember.
5)Informs the Ember concerning the actions of the Firecrafter Council Committee, the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee, and the Flame.
1)Acts in the Chief’s place in the Chief’s absence.
2)Assists the Chief in all of the Chief’s activities.
3)Coordinates camp promotion and Firecrafter promotion within the Ember.
1)Keeps accurate minutes of all meetings.
2) Maintains an updated roster of Webelos-Camper, Firelight, Camper, Woodsman, Firecrafter, and Minisino members within the Ember.
3)Maintains communications and correspondence for the Ember.
4)Serves on the Communications committee.
5)Keeps records of all receipts and expenditures by the Ember.
6)Controls funds collected by the Ember and deposits them with the Firecrafter Council Treasurer as soon as possible.
7)Disburses Ember funds as authorized by the Ember Advisor.
1)Counsels all the Ember and the Ember officers to help them operate properly.
2)Appoints as many Assistant Ember Advisors as appropriate (a) to serve as Camp Promotion chairman and (b) to assist the Ember Advisor.
3)Provides information to the Ember and recommends such measures as the Advisor deems appropriate.
4)Imposes a veto in such situations as the Advisor deems it advisable, subject to review by the Flame Advisor.
5)Arranges for training of the Ember officers.
6)Attends meetings of the Firecrafter Council Committee and the Flame Executive Committee.
7)Appoints an Advisor for each committee within the Ember.
8)Serves on or appoints a representative to the District Camping or Outdoor Program Committee.
Section 1. Function.
The Fires shall:
1)Administer all elements of the camp rank system.
2)Provide for a program of service projects for the camp.
3)Execute the Firecrafter program as directed by the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee.
4)Assist as needed in the preparation and execution of the Firecrafter Rituals.
Section 2. Meetings
1)The Fire shall meet at least one a week at a time and place to be set by the Fire Chief and Advisor and announced in advance to the members of the Fire present in camp.
2)A majority of all Firecrafters in camp shall be a quorum for a meeting.
Section 3. Fire Executive Committee
1)The Fire Executive Committee shall be composed of the elected officers and the Fire Advisor.
2)The quorum for a meeting shall be the Fire Advisor and two-thirds of the elected officers.
3)The duties and functions of the Fire Executive Committee shall be to:
a)Establish policy for the Fire in accordance with the Firecrafter Code.
b) Conduct business of the Fire.
c) Prepare the agenda for Fire meetings.
d)Review the progress of the officers and committees of the Fire.
e)Mediates cases of dispute within the Fire.
f) Pass upon all extensions past Saturday noon of any candidacy.
Section 4. Election and Term of Office
The youth Firecrafter members of the staff of each Crossroads of America Council camp and Firecrafter resident camp shall elect a Chief, a Vice-Chief, and a Secretary-Treasurer during or prior to staff orientation for their camp.
Section 5. Duties of Officers
1)Presides at all meetings of the Fire and Fire Executive Committee.
2)Administers all levels of the Firecrafter program in camp.
3)Works in conjunction with the camp director.
4)Directs the operations of the other officers.
5)Calls meetings of the Fire when needed, at least once a week.
6)Calls meetings of the Fire Executive Committee when needed.
1)Acts in the Chief’s place in the Chief’s absence.
2)Administers the Firecrafter rank in camp.
3)Meets with the other officers after staff week to review the administration of the Firecrafter rank.
4)Meets with candidates on Sunday night and coordinates induction ceremony.
5)Assigns graders to candidates campfires.
6)Keeps fire informed on the requirements for all camp ranks.
1)Keeps all records of Firecrafter candidates.
2)Keeps records of all levels of the Firecrafter program in camp.
3) Keeps minutes of all meetings.
4)Maintains an inventory of all Firecrafter materials.
5)Order Firecrafter supplies through the Treasurer of the Firecrafter Council.
6)Keeps records of all receipts and expenditures by the Fire.
1)Attends and provides guidance at all meetings of the Fire, the Fire Executive Committee, and Minisinos.
2)If necessary, remove any officer of the Fire from office.
3)Proposes key staff members for membership in Firecrafter.
4)Imposes a veto in such situations as the Advisor deems advisable.
Section 6. Summer Operations Committee
The Vice Chief of the Firecrafter Council shall appoint a Summer Operations Committee consisting of as many members as the Chief deems necessary to carry out the functions of the Committee. The Summer Operations Committee shall be responsible for the Summer Camp program of Firecrafter. The specific duties of the Committee are to train and supervise the functions of the Fires, assist in the operation of the Rituals and to recommend changes as needed in the Firecrafter Code. The Firecrafter Council Vice Chief shall serve as chair of this committee.
Section 7. Lone Troop
A troop which elects to attend a summer camp not offering a Firecrafter program, may petition the Firecrafter Council Vice Chief to host a Lone Troop Program. The given unit will only be considered provided: the unit has a fixed base camp, there are at least two Firecrafters in camp, the unit submits a plan on how the unit will complete all requirements and obtain the resources for, the unit completes the trainings provided by the Council Vice Chief and ONE of the following:
-The unit attended a Crossroads of America Council Camp the previous year (Given camps were available).
-The unit has at least two Firecrafters in camp that have worked on a CAC Camp Staff during the previous or current year (This option may not be used for more than two consecutive years).
In the event that the unit electing to participate in Lone Troop is under extenuating circumstances, the Firecrafter Executive Council Committee reserves the right to consider the circumstances and waive or edit any requirement(s) as the deem appropriate. In the event that a unit electing to participate in the Lone Troop Firecrafter program is not approved by the Firecrafter Council Vice Chief, said unit may appeal the Vice Chief's decision to the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee, whose decision shall be final. Any attempts to hold a Firecrafter Program without the knowledge and consent of the Firecrafter Council is not permitted.
Section 1. Function.
The Firecrafter Alumni Association shall:
1)Provide adult assistance for the other functional groups of Firecrafter.
2)Direct the promotion of long-term camping by Firecrafter.
3)Assist in maintaining a sound financial posture for Firecrafter.
4)Provide an opportunity for members of Firecrafter 21 years of age and older to keep contact with Firecrafter.
Section 2. Election of Officers
The President of the Firecrafter Alumni Association shall appoint a nominating committee consisting of at least four members of the Association in good standing and at least one elected youth officer, who shall present a slate of candidates at the Midsummer Ritual to be voted upon by the association at the Grand Ritual. At the time of election, nomination of further candidates from the floor shall be permitted. Separate ballots shall be conducted for each office, in the following order: President, Vice-President, Secretary, and Treasurer. Election shall be by simple majority of those voting.
Section 3. Duties of Officers
1)Presides at all meetings of the Firecrafter Alumni Association and of its Executive Committee.
2)Provides liaison between the Alumni Association, the Firecrafter Council Committee, and the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee.
3)Provides reports and proposals as requested by the Alumni Association, the Firecrafter Council Committee, or the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee.
4)Votes on all matters of business before the Firecrafter Council Committee and the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee.
5)Cooperates with the Ritual Coordinator in the conduct of the Rituals.
6)Appoints Flame Advisors as provided in the Firecrafter Constitution.
7)Consults with the Flame Advisors in appointment of Ember Advisors.
8)Appoints advisors to standing and special committees of the Firecrafter Council.
9)Works cooperatively with the Chief of the Firecrafter Council.
1)Acts for the President in the President’s absence.
2)Coordinates Firecrafter promotion of long-term camping.
3)Serves as Firecrafter’s representative on the Crossroads of America Council Camping Committee.
4)Works cooperatively with the Vice-Chief of the Firecrafter Council.
1)Maintains all records other than financial records for the Alumni Association.
2)Is responsible for all Alumni Association correspondence.
3)Maintains the minutes of the Alumni Executive Committee Meeting.
4)Sends advance notices of all meetings of the Alumni Association.
5)Works cooperatively with the Secretary of the Firecrafter Council.
6)With the advice and counsel of the Alumni President and Council Advisor, appoints an adult Firecrafter to act as advisor to the Newsletter Editor and Membership Chairman.
7)Is responsible for the registration of adult candidates and adult Firecrafters at the Rituals, and making sufficient lists of both.
8)Regularly checks the web address,, to maintain accuracy of information available to the public.
1)Receives all revenues of the Firecrafter Alumni Association.
2)Maintains a complete and accurate account of all funds received and distributed by the Alumni Association.
3)Is responsible for providing adult supervision of Firecrafter fund-raising projects.
4)Works cooperatively with the Treasurer of the Firecrafter Council.
5)With the advice and counsel of the Alumni President and Council Advisor, appoints an adult Firecrafter to act as advisor to the Quartermaster.
6)Is responsible for collecting Alumni dues and all fees associated with the Rituals from adult candidates and adult Firecrafter members.
7)Maintains current lists of adult life members and dues-paid members.
8)Fulfills the duties as listed in the Financial Policy of the Firecrafter Council.
Section 4. Adult Membership Requirements
An adult who was not a youth member of Firecrafter, who is nominated to become a member of the Firecrafter Alumni Association shall meet the following requirements:
1)They are at least 21 years of age
2)They are a registered Scouter.
3)They are active in Scouting work
4)They have demonstrated interest in the outdoor program of Scouting
5)They exhibit a sincere interest in Firecrafter
6)And they have the following additional qualifications:
a)A professional Scouter or a member of the Crossroads of America Council Executive Board shall have been a registered Scouter for at least two years by the time of the next succeeding Grand Ritual.
b)A key staff member at a Crossroads of America Council summer camp shall have been registered with the Boy Scouts of America for at least two years by the time of the next succeeding Grand Ritual, and shall occupy a position as Camp Director, Assistant Camp Director, Program Director, Chaplain, Ranger, Assistant Ranger, or department head in a major area of the camp.
c) An adult Scouter residing outside the Crossroads of America Council shall have been a registered Scouter for at least one year, if trained in the position they hold, or three years if untrained, by the time of the next succeeding Grand Ritual, and shall have attended at least one long-term camping period in a Crossroads of America Council summer camp during the 24 months preceding the Grand Ritual next following his nomination.
d)Any other Scouter who resides within the Crossroads of America Council shall have been a registered Scouter for at least one year, if trained in the position that they hold, or three years if untrained, by the time of the Grand Ritual next following his nomination.
Section 5. Adult Membership Procedures.
Nominations and approval of adult Scouters for membership in Firecrafter shall be conducted according to the following procedures, subject in every case to meeting the requirements for membership established in the Firecrafter Constitution.
1)Professional Scouters and members of the Crossroads of America Council Executive Board shall be nominated by the Professional Advisor in consultation with the President of the Alumni Association, subject to approval by the Firecrafter Council Committee.
2)Key staff members at Crossroads of America Council summer camps shall be nominated by a majority vote of the Fire at their camp, subject to approval by the Firecrafter Council Committee.
3)Adult Scouters residing outside the Crossroads of America Council shall be eligible for nomination only after taking part in at least one long-term camping period in a Crossroads of America Council summer camp, and shall be nominated by a majority vote of the Fire at the camp they attended, subject to screening approval by the President, Council Advisor, and at least one other officer of the Alumni Association.
4)Except as set forth above, all adult Scouters residing within the Crossroads of America Council shall be nominated by a member of Firecrafter and screened and approved by an adult screening committee from the district in which they reside. In the event that a district fails to execute this responsibility, the Alumni Association officers shall have the power and responsibility to serve as an adult screening committee for that district.
5)The Firecrafter Council Committee shall establish a maximum quota for approved adult nominations for each district; provided, however, that professional Scouters, members of the Crossroads of America Council Executive Board, and key staff members of Crossroads of America Council camps shall not count toward the quota. Each Ember, in reporting its nominations, shall designate which individual nominees apply to the quota, and which would be over quota. No nominations over quota shall be given final approval except with the consent of the Firecrafter Council Committee.
6)The Adult Membership Committee is made up of the Membership Chairman appointed in accordance with these By-laws and as many members as deemed necessary to carry out the function of the committee. To the extent possible, the Membership Chairman will secure the approval of the President of the Firecrafter Alumni Association for the naming of members to this committee. The Adult Membership Committee shall review all nominations for adult membership and make a recommendation to the Firecrafter Council Committee to approve or reject the nomination. Decisions of the Firecrafter Council Committee will be final.
7)If an adult nominee, after accepting an invitation to join Firecrafter, is prevented from attending a Ritual during the year of invitation, the Ember which extended the invitation shall be entitled to renew his invitation during the following year, and such renewal shall not count toward the quota.
In order to effectively operate the Minisino program a certain amount of structured leadership is required. The following attempts to outline those positions and their respective duties, obligations and responsibilities.
Section 1. Council Minisino Chairman
1. Selection of the Council Minisino Chairman
He is appointed by the Council Chief with the consultation of the Council Advisor by October 1st and must be a Youth Minisino for the entire term of office from October 1 to September 30.
2. Council Minisino Chairman Duties
a. Appoints members of the Council Youth Minisino Committee.
b.Presides over Council Youth Minisino Committee meetings.
c. Is a voting member of the Council Youth and Council Adult Minisino Committees
d.Ensures that the Minisino Code is followed.
e. Reports directly to the Council Chief.
f. Distributes list of approved Minisino Nominees to Camp Minisino Chairmen.
g.Holds a training session for Camp Minisino Chairmen and Camp Minisino Advisors , in conjunction with the Adult Minisino Advisor, prior to the summer camp session.
h.Has the authority to temporarily suspend an individual Minisino or a Minisino Program with just cause. The Minisino Disciplinary Board must review this action.
i. Holds a meeting of the council youth Minisino selection committee before the beginning of camp season and again at midsummer ritual
j. Is responsible for all Minisino equipment in conjunction with youth and adult treasurer
k.Must turn in a year end report to the council chief and Minisino adult advisor
Section 2. Council Youth Minisino Committee
The Council Youth Minisino Committee is a committee of Youth Minisinos responsible for administering the Minisino program on the council level.
1. Council Youth Minisino Committee
1. The Council Minisino Chairman will select voting members that are reflective of the various council camps. These voting members include the Council Minisino Chairman, the Council Minisino Advisor, and the camp Minisino chairmen.
2. The Council Minisino Chairman presides over all committee meetings.
3. The Council Minisino Advisor shall have absolute veto powers.
4. The term of the committee shall be from no later than April 1st to September 30th.
2. Council Youth Minisino Committee Responsibilities
1. Has the authority to tap out youth nominees at council events.
2. Evaluate, make recommendations and disseminate all youth Minisino nominations to camp Minisino chairmen.
3. Monitors camp Minisino operations.
Section 3. Camp Minisino Chairmen
The Camp Minisino Chairman is a youth Minisino responsible for administering the camp Minisino program.
1. Camp Minisino Chairmen Selection
1. Camp Minisino Chairmen are appointed by the Minisino Chairman in consultation with the respective Camp Minisino Advisors by April 1st and only one camp Minisino chairman is appointed to each Fire. Camp Chairmen should be appointed as early as possible so they may be trained.
2. Camp Minisino Chairmen must be a youth for their entire term and their term is from April 1 to September 30 of the camping season. Each Camp Chairman must be a staff member of the camp over which they preside.
2. Camp Minisino Chairman Duties
1. Presides over all Minisino activities pertaining to his camp.
2. Advises the council Minisino youth chairman and adult advisor his camp’s Minisino status on a regular basis. They inform the Council Minisino Chairman of Minisino candidate selections and/or any unusual circumstances in a Minisino candidacy.
3. Assigns youth candidate advisors to youth Minisino candidates.
4. Informs all Minisinos within his camp of camp Minisino activities.
5. Holds regular camp Minisino meetings.
6. Ensures that the Minisinos in his camp maintain the high standards of Minisino
7. Counsels a Minisino in camp if the Minisino’s actions are inappropriate. If this method is not productive then they must report the matter to the Camp Director/Camp Minisino Advisor for further counseling. If still unresolved then the matter should be brought to the attention of the Council Minisino Chairman.
8. Reports directly to the Council Minisino Chairman.
Section 4. Camp Minisino Committee
The Camp Minisino Committee is a committee of all Minisinos in camp that carry out and support that camp’s Minisino program.
1. Camp Minisino Committee Make-up
1. The Camp Minisino Committee consists of all Minisinos in camp and the voting members of the committee consist of Minisinos under the age of 21 and the advisor or their designee.
2. Camp Minisino Committee Duties & Responsibilities
1. The Camp Minisino Committee approves nominations for camp staffers for youth Minisino nominees and on occasion make additional nominations. This committee will select nominees for Tap Out.
Section 5. Council Minisino Advisor
An Adult Minisino charged with not only advising the youth Minisinos but responsible for the adult Minisino program as well.
1. Council Minisino Advisor Selection
1. The Council Minisino Advisor must be an adult Minisino. They are appointed by the Firecrafter Council Advisor, with the consultation of the Firecrafter Council Chief and the Alumni President and must be appointed by October 1 to the next September 30. They may not hold or be an advisor to any Firecrafter Executive Council Committee office while serving as Council Minisino Chairman.
2. Council Minisino Advisor Duties
1. Serves as the Advisor to the Council Minisino Chairman and is a voting member of the Council Youth Minisino Committee. They may exercise veto powers regarding Minisino matters.
2. Serves as the Chairman and presides over the Council Adult Minisino Committee. Calls meetings of the Adult Minisino committee as needed.
3. Reports to the Firecrafter Alumni President
4. Informs the Firecrafter Council Committee Chief, the Firecrafter Council Advisor, and the Alumni President of any Adult Minisino Candidates and any Youth Minisino activities.
5. Receives and reviews the Minisino end of year report and the Minisino Candidacy Reports from the Camp Minisino Chairmen.
6. Has the ability to temporarily suspend an individual Minisino or a Minisino Program with just cause. The Minisino Disciplinary Board must review this action. As with the Minisino Chairman, if the suspension occurs during and at a camp, the Council Minisino Advisor must discuss the matter with the Camp Director/Camp Minisino Advisor and the Camp Minisino Chairman on the allegations and facts prior to taking action.
7. Is responsible for the Minisino Dinner. This may be delegated to others.
Section 6. Council Adult Minisino Committee
The Adult Minisino Committee is charged with the nomination, investigation and approval of adult Firecrafters who are worthy and, beyond a doubt are Tried and Proven to be “crowned” as an adult Minisino.
1. Council Adult Minisino Committee
1. This is an anonymous committee consisting of eight voting members. The Council Minisino Advisor presides over this committee.
2. Voting members of this committee include the Council Minisino Advisor, the Council Minisino Chairman, 3 members appointed by the Minisino Advisor and 3 members appointed by the Council Chief. The Council Minisino Advisor votes only in the event of a tie.
2. Council Adult Minisino Committee Responsibilities
1. Holds meetings at the discretion of the Adult Minisino Chairman to consider approval of Adult Minisino Candidates and develops a list of approved Adult Minisino Candidates. Then Crowns Adult Minisino Candidates from the approved list at the appropriate times and places.
Section 7. Camp Minisino Advisor
The Camp Minisino Advisors monitor the Minisino program in their camp thus ensuring that the Minisino program supports that camp program and does not detract from it.
1. Camp Minisino Advisor Selection
1. The Camp Director serves as the Camp Minisino Advisor. The Camp Director should always serve as Camp Minisino Advisor unless they is temporarily not available to serve.
2. Only the Camp Director may designate someone else to serve as Camp Minisino Advisor. This decision requires consultation of the Council Minisino Chairman and the Council Minisino Advisor.
2. Camp Minisino Advisor Duties
1. Attends all meetings of the Camp Minisino Committee and is a voting member of the Camp Minisino Committee.
2. Reports to the Council Minisino Advisor
3. Ensures that the Minisino program adds to the camp program and does not detract from it.
4. Counsels Minisinos in camp as necessary by nipping Minisino discipline problems in the bud.
5. Can make nominations of youth staff for consideration by the Camp Minisino Committee.
Section 8. Uniform
1. The Minisino uniform is to be worn whenever it would be appropriate to wear a Firecrafter uniform. The Minisino uniform is the same as the Boy Scout uniform except it does not include the Boy Scout Shirt. The Minisino uniform shall be worn in accordance with the Boy Scouts of America's (BSA) Guide to Awards and Insignia. The shirt portion of the Minisino uniform consists of a forest green T‑shirt worn under a white tank top with a Minisino Chest Patch on the front. The Minisino Chest Patch should be attached to the white tank‑top at one inch down from the top seam. The forest green T‑shirt shall be worn under the white tank top at all times that the white tank top is worn. The Minisino work‑shirt is a forest green T‑shirt worn without the white tank‑top.
2. When wearing a Boy Scout uniform, a Minisino should display the Minisino pocket patch on a leather rounder hanging from the right chest pocket. The above is to be used as the official Minisino uniform unless otherwise prescribed by the Firecrafter Council Committee Chief, the Council Minisino Chairman, or the Council Minisino Advisor.
Section 9. Disciplinary Actions
1. Actions that result in a camp Minisino program suspension or individual suspensions or expulsions must have defined in the Firecrafter By-Laws.
2. The Council Minisino Program's Disciplinary Board consists of the Firecrafter Council Committee Chief, the Council Minisino Chairman, and the Council Minisino Advisor. Collectively, the Minisino Disciplinary Board can take disciplinary action in the form of Camp Minisino Program Suspensions, Individual Minisino Suspensions, Individual Minisino Expulsions, and other disciplinary measures within reason.
3. The Firecrafter Council Committee Chief, the Council Minisino Chairman, and the Council Minisino Advisor, each have the individual power to temporally suspend a Camp Minisino Program or an individual Minisino. Prior to any suspension during a camp operation the action must be discussed and concurred in with the camp Minisino Advisor (Camp Director)
4. In the event of a Temporary Council Suspension, the member of the Minisino Disciplinary Board issuing the suspension must immediately inform the other two members of the Minisino Disciplinary Board. The Minisino Disciplinary Board will review all Temporary Council Suspensions as soon as possible, and they will either endorse the suspension (making it a Council Suspension), or lift the suspension.
5. Council Suspensions are indefinite and at the discretion of the Minisino Disciplinary Board. Collectively, the Minisino Disciplinary Board has the authority to endorse or lift any Temporary Camp Suspension, Temporary Council Suspension, or Council Suspension at any time. Individual Minisino expulsion can only occur with a unanimous vote of the Minisino Disciplinary Board. Individual Minisino expulsion is a serious matter, and it requires just cause. Individual Minisino expulsion is a permanent action, and it can never be lifted or undone.
Section 10. Changes to the Minisino Code
1. Any Minisino may offer a change to the Minisino Code. In order to change the Minisino Code a revision committee must be formed consisting of the following: the Firecrafter Council Committee Chief, the Council Minisino Chairman, Council Minisino Advisor. Council or professional advisor (or designee) , an Alumni Representative and 2 Minisino’s from each program from the previous summer must form a revision committee.
2. In order for a change of the Minisino Code to be approved, three fourths (3/4) of the revision committee must approve the change. The Minisino Council Committee Chairman shall preside over the revision committee.
Section 11. Distribution of the Minisino Code
1. The Council Minisino Chairman shall control all Copies of the Minisino Code. A copy of the current Minisino code shall be left in a secure location at each camp.
2. The Council Minisino Chairman shall, at his own discretion, check out copies of the Minisino Code to individuals or programs. All copies of the Minisino Code are to be collected by the Council Minisino Chairman at the end of a term and then turned over to the new Council Minisino Chairman.]
ARTICLE XI. Event Operations.
Section 1. Event Operations Committee
The Chief of the Firecrafter Council shall appoint an Event Operations Committee consisting of as many members as the Chief deems necessary to carry out the functions of the Committee. The Event Operations Committee shall be responsible for the Events organized by Firecrafter. The specific duties of the Committee are to run the Rituals, Mid-Winter Dinner, Spring Fellowship, and Fall Frenzy. As well as to recommend changes as needed in the Firecrafter Code. The Firecrafter Council Vice Chief shall serve as chair of this committee. Other members include event chairs for Rituals, Mid-Winter Dinner, Spring Fellowship, and Fall Frenzy.
Section 2. Selection of Event Chairs
The Chairman is appointed by the Council Chief with the consultation of the Council Advisor by October 1st and must be a youth Firecrafter during the respective event.
Section 3. Responsibilities of Event Chairs
Organize and carry out respective event, Ritual, Mid-Winter Dinner, Spring Fellowship, and Fall Frenzy.
Budget for event approved by the council committee before event occurs.
Maintain Inventory of materials corresponding to event
Section 1. Budget.
A proposed budget shall be submitted to the Firecrafter Council Committee before Midwinter Dinner each year, covering income and expenditures for all functional groups of Firecrafter from January 1st to December 31st of the succeeding year. The budget shall make provisions for funds for Flame and Ember mailings, activities, and service. Upon approval, the budget shall be binding, and any departure from it shall require separate approval of the Firecrafter Executive Council Committee.
Section 2. Induction Fee.
Each Firecrafter candidate, both youth and adult, shall pay a membership induction fee prior to induction. The amount of the fee, and the service rendered and the materials furnished, shall be determined annually by the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee, but must include a shirt, large chest patch, small patch, wall certificate, and membership card.
Section 3. Membership Charges.
1)Youth Firecrafter members. The induction fee paid by each youth Firecrafter shall be deemed to include dues to the age of twenty-one.
2)Adult Firecrafter members. Each adult Firecrafter shall pay dues annually in an amount determined by the Alumni Executive Committee.
3)Life Membership. Any Firecrafter, either youth or adult, may obtain life membership by payment of a fee equal to ten times the annual dues currently being charged, in which case the annual dues shall thereafter be waived for the lifetime of such Firecrafter.
4)Special Activities Fund. All members are encouraged to make annual contributions to defray the cost of Firecrafter participation in long-term camp promotion and other special activities.
5)Non-payment of Dues. In the event that a Firecrafter becomes delinquent in the payment of their dues, they shall be placed on the inactive list and their name removed from the mailing list.
6)Reinstatement. An inactive Firecrafter shall be returned to the active list upon payment of one year’s back dues plus current dues.
Section 4. Disbursement of Funds
Firecrafter funds shall be disbursed only by the Crossroads of America Council with a voucher signed by the Firecrafter Council Treasurer and the Firecrafter Alumni Association Treasurer. Funds must be disbursed within the guidelines as written in the Financial Policy of the Firecrafter Council. In addition to the two aforementioned approved approvers, any funds that are relevant to the day-to-day operations of Firecrafter may also be approved for disbursement by any combination of two of the following people; the Alumni President, the Firecrafter Council Advisor and Professional Advisor.
Section 5. Financial Policy of the Firecrafter Council
Written by M Joseph Reilly
Sub-Section 0. Finance Committee.
The Finance Committee shall be a standing Committee of the Firecrafter Council. The purpose of the Finance Committee shall be to enforce the Financial Policy of the Firecrafter Council. The Finance Committee shall be composed of these voting youth members: the Treasurer of the Council Committee and the Chief of the Council Committee and up to three other youth members as appointed or seen fit by the Chief of the Council Committee. These voting alumni members: the Council Committee Advisor and the Alumni President. These non-voting alumni members: Alumni Treasurer, and the Professional Advisor. The Finance Committee shall meet after the yearly Ember budgets have been submitted and shall vote upon an allocation to recommend to the Firecrafter Council Committee at Midwinter Dinner, whereupon it shall be confirmed, amended, or denied by the entirety of the Firecrafter Council Committee. The Treasurer of the Council Committee shall be responsible for setting a time and location of the meeting of the Finance Committee to ensure that the budget is ready for the Council Committee’s vote at the Council Committee meeting before Midwinter Dinner. Budgets shall be submitted no later than November.
Sub-Section 1. Authorizations.
1.1 General Procedure. All requests for Firecrafter Council funds shall be referred first to the Treasurer of the Council Committee. The Treasurer directs the officers of all Embers to notify the Treasurer if they require additional funds, need to revert funds, or wish to use their funding for a purpose not previously approved by the Firecrafter Council.
1.2 Committee Authorizations. All committees of the Firecrafter Council Committee shall have their authorized expenses paid out of the Firecrafter Council account. Such committees are required to submit their own independent budget to the Treasurer and Finance Committee for approval. This submission is not required to be made in November, but must be made in a timely manner in order that the event is funded.
1.3 Fund Disbursement. All funds shall be disbursed by the Alumni Treasurer at the direction of the Firecrafter Council Committee in the form of reimbursement of receipts. No funds will be reimbursed for spending that occurred before the spending was approved by the Council Committee. All receipts are to be itemized.
Sub-Section 2. Financial Limitations.
2.1 Total Funding Limitations. The maximum allowed funds for the yearly budget per Ember shall be up to the discretion of the Finance Committee.
2.2 Petitioning for Additional Funds. An Ember may petition the Council Committee for further funds than they were originally allocated, but this must be passed with a 4/5ths majority vote of the Council Committee.
2.3 Purpose of Funding. Funds shall be used for the express purpose of furthering a commitment to the high ideals of Firecrafter. Any and all requests are subject to the Finance Committee’s discretion of their alignment with this policy.
2.4 Funding Requests. Requests must be accompanied by a detailed budget request that includes a breakdown of the cost, date, location of the event, and how many people are expected. Each Ember budget request will be evaluated on a case-by-case basis with the following criteria in mind:
-Nature of Event/Environment of Event
-History of Success/Turnout
-Matches goals/aims of Firecrafter
2.5 Philanthropy Limitations. Direct donations of Firecrafter funds by individual Embers to philanthropic causes or organizations are prohibited, however an Ember may bring a donation request to the Council’s attention and it may be approved to be donated by the Council as a whole.
2.6 Personal Item Limitations. Firecrafter funds shall not be used for gifts, unless it is in the context of a prize giveaway in which all Firecrafters are eligible for prizes. Mass promotional giveaways, when such shall clearly advance the interests of the Firecrafter Council, shall be considered for funding on a case-by-case basis. In addition, cash prizes are not allowed.
2.7 Sale of Items. The Firecrafter Council Committee shall be the only body able to sell items with the Firecrafter logo. The sale of items shall be overseen by the Council Treasurer and the Alumni Treasurer. The Firecrafter Council Committee may pass a majority vote to disburse funds for a philanthropic cause in the name of the Firecrafter Council.
2.8 Budgetary Request Timing. No additional funding shall be allocated to any event post-facto without consent from the Finance Committee, Firecrafter Council Committee, or Chief of the Firecrafter Council Committee prior to the initial expenditures of those funds.
2.9 Any Additional Limitations. The Finance Committee shall pass along recommendations on the course of action to the Council Committee on any budget requests that they are not explicitly able to make a decision on.
Sub-Section 3. Ember Accountability.
3.1 Right of Request. The Finance Committee may require Embers to submit a list of Firecrafter-purchased items in possession of the Ember along with an account of all outside funding on their initial budget as a prerequisite for authorizing any funding for the Ember.
3.2 Required Inventory. The Finance Committee may order the collection of any piece of Firecrafter-purchased property in the possession of an Ember. Any noncompliance with this policy may result in financial penalization for the next budget year.
3.3 Self-Reporting. The Finance Committee may require Embers to submit a detailed list of their purchases at the end of each year as a prerequisite for authorizing future funding for that Ember.
3.4 Reversion Dates. The Finance Committee will also ask for an Estimated Date of Use for all allocations. If they choose, the Finance Committee may revert the money that hasn’t been used by “Estimated Date of Use”. Additionally if the original date of use passes, the Ember may use that money on a new date within the same year it was allocated with approval from the Finance Committee. In the event that funds are reverted, the Ember may request to have those funds restored by the Finance Committee.
Sub-Section 4. Publication of Budget.
The Finance Committee shall make the budget publicly available for review upon request to all Firecrafters and Ember officers after the initial allocations of the Firecrafter Council Committee have been proposed by the Finance Committee and at least twenty-four hours after the beginning of the Council Committee meeting in which those would be approved. The Finance Committee shall provide each Ember officer with the minutes of the budget meeting as well as the list of funds that are being recommended to be allocated to each Ember at the Midwinter Dinner Council Committee meeting.
Sub-Section 5. Suspension of Policies.
Specific financial policies of the Firecrafter Council Committee may be suspended with regard to a specific motion by a unanimous vote of the Finance Committee in committee, or by a two-thirds majority vote of the Council Committee at any Council Committee meeting, if circumstances so warrant.
Sub-Section 6. Inventory Policy of the Firecrafter Council Committee.
6.1. An article of inventory shall be defined as any item or piece of equipment which has gone unused, can be reused, or was purchased using Firecrafter funding for the usage by one or more Embers.
6.2. Examples include, but are not limited to, board games, jerseys, decorations, and other items purchased with Firecrafter funding. Items which meet the standards set out above must be classified as inventory on Ember budget requests.
6.3. The Finance Committee reserves the right to make a further determination as to an item’s status as inventory regardless of initial classification.
Sub-Section 7. Check-in Process
7.1 - Embers and event coordinators will be responsible for turning in ALL inventory after the period of use noted in their budget has passed. Failure to turn in inventory may result in financial penalization in the form of bonus funds not being able to be allocated for the next year.
7.2 - In the case that an item is returned after an event damaged, or not returned at all, the person who was assigned the responsibility of taking care of the items while they were in use at the event is to be liable to repay the Council Committee for the loss incurred due to the damage or loss of the item.
7.3 - At or before check-in, Embers and event coordinators will be required to update an Inventory Storage Form (to be kept in a binder in the Firecrafter Storage Closet) detailing ALL items of inventory that Ember is turning in. Failure to fill out the form may result in financial penalization in the form of bonus funds not being able to be allocated for the next year.
7.4 - Condition of inventory will be documented during the check-in process and the Firecrafter Council Committee shall be liable for all damage done during storage of inventory.
7.5 - Upon request, the Finance Committee may allow articles of inventory to remain in the possession of an Ember, if it is deemed necessary.
Sub-Section 8. Check-out Process
8.1 - Embers will request inventory items to be lent out an explicit duration of time as part of their budget request.
8.2 - If unclaimed inventory exists, any Ember may petition the Finance Committee to use the unclaimed inventory.
8.3 - Check-out of Ember inventory will take place sometime within a week of publication of the Firecrafter Council Committee meeting budget, ideally directly after the Midwinter Dinner Council Committee meeting.
Section 1. Firecrafter Insignia.
Each Firecrafter shall be entitled to wear the Firecrafter emblem in the following forms:
1)The Firecrafter shirt shall consist of a khaki tank-top style shirt worn over a white T-shirt, with a Firecrafter patch of at least 5, but no more than 6.5 inches in diameter centered on the front of the shirt.
2)The Firecrafter shirt shall be worn only at meetings of Firecrafter, whether formal or informal, or in place of the Scout shirt at Scouting functions where Firecrafter participation is involved.
3)A Firecrafter patch three inches in diameter may be worn at any time on the right pocket of the scout shirt.
4)A Firecrafter belt buckle may be worn at any time.
5)A Firecrafter pin, from ½ inch to ¾ inch in diameter, may be worn at any time on the lapel of a coat, on a shirt, a sweater, or a hat.
6)A Firecrafter work shirt may be worn at informal gatherings, meetings, and service projects.
Section 2. Minisino Insignia.
1)Each member holding the honor of Minisino shall be entitled to wear corresponding Minisino insignia in a like manner. The Minisino shirt shall consist of a white tank-top style shirt worn over a forest green T-shirt, with a Minisino patch of at least 5, but no more than 6.5 inches in diameter centered on the front of the shirt.
2)Each member holding the honor of Minisino shall be entitled to wear the corresponding Minisino work shirt at informal gatherings, meetings, and service projects.
Section 3. Woodsman Insignia.
Each member having the rank of Woodsman shall be entitled to wear a Woodsman patch three inches in diameter on the right pocket of the Scout shirt.
Section 4. Camper Insignia.
Each member having the rank of Camper shall be entitled to wear a Camper patch three inches in diameter on the right pocket of the Scout shirt.
Section 5. Firelight Insignia.
Each member holding the award of Firelight shall be entitled to wear a Firelight patch three inches in diameter on the right pocket of the Cub Scout or Scout shirt.
Section 6. Webelos-Camper Insignia.
Each member holding the award of Webelos-Camper shall be entitled to wear a Webelos-Camper patch three inches in diameter on the right pocket of the Cub Scout or Scout shirt.
Section 7. Firecrafter Name Plate.
Firecrafter name plates, having specification established by the Firecrafter Council Committee, shall be worn centered over the chest patch on a Firecrafter shirt or centered over the right pocket of the Scout shirt, and shall be worn only at meetings of Firecrafter or at Scouting functions where Firecrafter participation is involved.
Section 8. Officer Name Plate.
In like manner, officers and Advisors of Embers, Flames, Fires, the Alumni Association, or the Firecrafter Council Committee shall be entitled to wear a name plate designating their position, having specifications established by the Firecrafter Council Committee.
Firecrafter By-Laws Amendment History
By-Laws Adopted in substantially current form March 16, 1996
January 13, 2001
Amended Article II, Section 2 and Article III, Section 2 regarding quorum requirements
March 10, 2001
Corrections for Scriveners Errors Amended Article I, Sections 1, 2 and 3; Article II, Section 1; Article IV, Sections 2, 3 and 4; Article V, Sections 1 and 2; Article VI, Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4; Article VII, Sections 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5; Article VIII, Sections 3 and 5; Article IX, Sections 1 and 3; Article X, Sections 1, 2 and 8.
Change training provision from “shall” to “should” Amended Article I, Section 7
Changed Fundraising approval to Firecrafter Council Committee Amended Article II, Section 1
Provide for run-off elections Amended Article IV, Section 1
Eliminate plural use of names of ranks Amended Article IV, Sections 2 and 4; Article VI, Section 4; Article VIII, Sections 1 and 3; Article IX, Section 3
Require Secretary to distribute Amended Constitution and By-Laws Amended Article IV, Section 4
Clarify when “Council” refers to CAC versus Firecrafter Council Committee Amended Article IV, Section 4; Article VIII, Sections 3 and 5; Article X, Section 8
Clarify that Flame Secretary/Treasurer has Vice-Chief duties Amended Article V, Section 2
Clarify that Minisino is an honor, not a rank Amended Article V, Section 4
Clarify when a Flame may operate an Ember area Amended Article VI, Section
Changed Fire Consul to Vice-Chief Amended Article VII, Sections 4 and 5
Created the Summer Operations Committee Added Article VII, Section 6
Eliminate use of terms July and August in referring to Rituals Amended Article VIII, Section 2
Move specific adult membership requirements to By-Laws Amended Article VIII, Section 4
Deleted description of Work Shirt Amended Article X, Section 1
Changed “Vest” to “Tank-top Style Shirt” Amended Article X, Sections 1 and 2
May 5, 2001
Clarify membership and duties of the Adult Membership Committee Amended Article VIII, Section
August 10, 2013
Update to current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order Amended Article I Section 1
Change the policy of vacancy for the responsibility of Vice Chief to take the place of the vacant officer with the consent of an advisor, and will appoint a replacement for his previously vacant seat Amended Article I Section 6
Change training date of new officers to “before taking office in January” Amended Article I Section 7
Clarify a period of “no more than” five minutes for members to determine their votes for council officers Amended Article IV Section 1
Update duties of Council Vice Chief adding “Chairman of Summer Operations Committee” and Council Secretary adds responsibility of webmaster. Amended Article IV Section 4
Change Out of Council Ember policy for all members that are located outside of the Crossroads of America Council to determine what ember they reside in Amended Article VI Section 3.
Change the number of Assistant Ember Advisors from “one” to “as many are appropriate” Amended Article IV Section 4
Update the Firecrafter Council Vice Chief as Chairman of the Summer Operations Committee Amended Article VII Section 6
Add requirement to Lone Troop policy for having to attend a CAC Camp within the past 3 years or has satisfied the council with knowledge of the Firecrafter program Amended Article VII Section 7
Change the Alumni Association to four members and at least one elected youth officer Amended Article VIII Section 2
Add responsibility for Alumni Secretary to regularly check the web address Amended Article VIII Section 3
Change Firecrafter uniform patch dimensions to at least 5, but no more than 6.5 inches in diameter Amended Article XI Section 1 and Section
Firecrafter is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.
Copyright © 2018 | | Crossroads of America Council | Boy Scouts of America