Firecrafter Constitution

Forged in the flames of a campfire at old Camp Chank-tun-un-gi in the summer of 1920 under the guidance of “Chief” Francis O. Belzer, Firecrafter has been dedicated from the beginning to the service of Scouting and to advancing the principles and ideals of the Scouting movement.  Like our founders, we are committed to the development of leadership through friendship and service, and we pledge our steadfast loyalty to the ideals laid down in our Creed:

Section 1 - Name and Affiliation

  • This Scouting service fraternity shall be known as Firecrafter.  Firecrafter shall be affiliated with the Crossroads of America Council, Boy Scouts of America, under the administrative authority of the Crossroads of America Council Scout Executive.

Section 2 - Functional Groups

  • Firecrafter shall be comprised of the following functional groups:  Firecrafter Council, Flames, Embers, Fires, and Alumni Association.
Section 3 - Youth Membership
    • Firecrafter shall offer membership to registered Cub Scouts through the Cub Scout Camp Ranks of Webelos-Camper and Firelight, and to registered Scouts, Venturers, and Explorers, with previous or current Boy Scout membership, through the Boy Scout Camp Rank System of three Camp Ranks: Camper, Woodsman, and Firecrafter. The Cub Scout ranks are not prerequisites to the Boy Scout ranks.  Webelos-Camper is a prerequisite to the rank of Firelight.  Camper is a prerequisite to the rank of Woodsman.  Woodsman is a prerequisite to the rank of Firecrafter.  These ranks shall be administered in accordance with the Firecrafter Code.
    • The following prerequisites shall be placed on the requirements of the Firecrafter camp rank:
      • At the time of the Ritual: be at least 13 years old, have been an active registered Scout for at least 1 year, and be no more than 20 years old.
      • Have completed the Camper and Woodsman ranks.
      • Be at least a First Class Scout, or, if between the ages of 18 and 21, have completed the Venturing Discovery Award.

    Section 4 - Adult Membership

    • Every youth Firecrafter shall, upon reaching the age of 21, become an adult Firecrafter and shall become a member of the Firecrafter Alumni Association.
    • An adult Scouter shall be eligible for membership in the Firecrafter Alumni Association with the rank of Firecrafter when nominated and approved according to the procedures and requirements set forth in the by-laws.


    Section 1 - Definition

    • The Firecrafter Council shall consist of those Webelos-Camper, Firelight, Camper, Woodsman, and Firecrafter members, both youth and adult, who have been admitted to membership in Firecrafter in the Crossroads of America Council, Boy Scouts of America.

    Section 2 - Officers

    • The officers of the Firecrafter Council shall be a Chief, a Vice-Chief, a Secretary, a Treasurer, and the Chief of each of the Flames, to be elected by the youth Firecrafter membership present at the Grand Ritual.  The Chief, Vice-Chief, Secretary, and Treasurer shall be elected by a simple majority of votes cast in accordance with procedures set forth in the by-laws.  Each Flame Chief shall be elected by a simple majority vote of the youth Firecrafter members present from each Flame. The term of office of all officers shall begin at the administration of the oath of office, which is to be conducted at the annual Firecrafter Fall Frenzy or September Council Committee meeting, no later than September 30th and continue until their successors have been elected, qualified, and administered the oath of office.  All officers shall be under 21 years of age from their election until the election at the next Grand Ritual.

    Section 3 - Advisors

    • An Advisor to the Firecrafter Council and a Professional Advisor to the Firecrafter Council shall be appointed by the Crossroads of America Council Scout Executive at the Mid-Winter dinner for one year terms beginning the following January 1st.  The Council Advisor may, in conjunction with the Council Chief, appoint any one or more Associate Advisors to the Firecrafter Council as the Council Advisor deems appropriate.  Past Chiefs are to serve as advisors for their successors

    Section 4 - Meetings

    • The Firecrafter Council Committee shall meet a minimum of 6 times in the term of office and in special meetings at such times as the Chief of the Firecrafter Council shall deem necessary.

    Section 5 - Firecrafter Council Committee

    • The policy making body of Firecrafter shall be known as the Firecrafter Council Committee, which shall consist of the following voting members:
    1. Chief of the Firecrafter Council
    2. Vice-Chief of the Firecrafter Council
    3. Secretary of the Firecrafter Council
    4. Treasurer of the Firecrafter Council
    5. Chief of each of the Flames
    6. Chief of each of the Embers
    7. President of the Firecrafter Alumni Association 
    • and the following non-voting members:
    1. Advisor to the Firecrafter Council
    2. Associate Advisor(s) to the Firecrafter Council
    3. Professional Advisor to the Firecrafter Council
    4. Advisor to each of the Flames
    5. Advisor to each of the Embers
    6. Vice-President of the Firecrafter Alumni Association
    7. Secretary of the Firecrafter Alumni Association
    8. Treasurer of the Firecrafter Alumni Association
    9. Chairmen and Advisors of committees
    10. Crossroads of America Council Scout Executive
    • Non-voting members shall have a voice in all meetings of the Firecrafter Council Committee.  The Firecrafter Council Committee may adopt policies and procedures not inconsistent with the Constitution and By-laws in order to carry out the functions of Firecrafter.  Policies and Procedures may be adopted by simple majority vote.
    Section 6 - Firecrafter Council Executive Committee
    • The operating body of Firecrafter shall be known as the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee which shall consist of the following voting members:
    1. Chief of the Firecrafter Council
    2. Vice-Chief of the Firecrafter Council
    3. Secretary of the Firecrafter Council
    4. Treasurer of the Firecrafter Council
    5. Chief of each of the Flames
    6. President of the Firecrafter Alumni Association
    • and the following non-voting members:
    1. Advisor to the Firecrafter Council
    2. Associate Advisor(s) to the Firecrafter Council
    3. Professional Advisor to the Firecrafter Council
    4. Advisor to each of the Flames
    • Non-voting members shall have a voice in all meetings of the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee.  The Firecrafter Council Executive Committee shall meet regularly to Administer the affairs of Firecrafter.

    Section 7 - Committees

    • The Chief of the Firecrafter Council shall appoint the chairman of each standing committee unless otherwise specifically provided in this Constitution or the By-laws.  In addition, the Chief of the Firecrafter Council shall appoint such special committees as may be deemed necessary, together with chairmen for such committees.  Each committee shall have an adult advisor to be appointed by the President of the Firecrafter Alumni Association in consultation with the Chief of the Firecrafter Council, except as otherwise specifically provided in this Constitution or the By-laws.


    Section 1 - Definition and Function

    • Sections of the Crossroads of America Council shall constitute a Flame.  The membership of the Flames shall consist of the Webelos-Camper, Firelight, Camper, Woodsman, and Firecrafter, members, both adults and youth, residing in, or affiliated with, the Flames.  It shall be the function of the Flames to serve as an administrative and communication arm of the Firecrafter Council Committee to ensure that the Embers within their respective sections are meeting their charter obligations; to promote Scouting, Firecrafter, and long-term camping within their sections; and to work toward the establishment of chartered Embers in all districts within their section.

    Section 2 - Officers

    • The youth Firecrafter membership of each Flame shall elect a Chief and a Vice-Chief at the Grand Ritual for one-year terms beginning the following Mid-Winter Dinner, and continuing until the end of their one-year term.

    Section 3 - Flame Advisors

    • An Advisor for each Flame shall be appointed by the President of the Firecrafter Alumni Association, subject to the approval of the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee, at the Grand Ritual for a one-year term beginning the following September.

    Section 4 - Flame Executive Committee

    • The Flame officers, the Flame Advisor, and the Chiefs and Advisors of each Ember within the Flame shall constitute the Flame Executive Committee.  The Flame Executive Committee shall meet regularly to coordinate the Firecrafter activity within the Flame.


    Section 1 - Definition and Function

    • District(s) of the Crossroads of America Council, when duly chartered under the authority of the Executive Committee of the Flame in which such district(s) lie, shall constitute an Ember.  A group of Firecrafters representing either a district or council outside of the Crossroads of America Council who participate solely within the Crossroads of America Council Firecrafter program may be signified as an Ember under the sanction and approval of the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee.  Note: An Ember residing outside of the Crossroads of America Council is given full rights and privileges and is still subject to the same standards of Embers residing within the Crossroads of America Council boundaries. The membership of the Ember shall constitute those Webelos-Camper, Firelight, Camper, Woodsman, and Firecrafter, members, both youth and adults, residing in, or affiliated with, the Ember.  The charter of each Ember shall be subject to renewal annually.  It shall be the function of the Embers to promote Scouting, Firecrafter, and long-term camping within their districts.

    Section 2 - Officers

    • The youth Firecrafter membership of each Ember shall elect a Chief, Vice-Chief, and a Secretary-Treasurer at the Grand Ritual.  The term of office for all officers shall begin at the administration of the oath of office, which is to be conducted at the annual Mid-Winter Dinner or January Council Committee meeting, no later than January 15th and continue until their successors have been duly initiated into their office.

    Section 3 - Ember Advisors

    • At the Grand Ritual, the current Chief and Advisor of each Ember shall present to the new Flame Advisor a list of two or more candidates for the position of Ember Advisor for the coming year.  From this list, the Flame Advisor shall appoint, subject to approval by the President of the Firecrafter Alumni Association, an Ember Advisor for a one-year term beginning the following September 1st.  In default of such a list, the Flame Advisor, after consultation with the Ember membership, shall appoint an Ember Advisor, subject to approval of the President of the Firecrafter Alumni Association.

    Section 4 - Meetings

    • Each Ember shall meet regularly, in accordance with the Ember charter, to carry out the activities of Firecrafter within the Ember.


    Section 1 - Definition and Function

    • The Webelos-Camper, Firelight, Camper, Woodsman, and Firecrafter, members, both adults and youth, residing at any one time in an operating Crossroads of America Council summer camp shall constitute the Fire of that camp.  The Fire shall provide for the candidacy of potential members, and shall work toward improving the physical facilities and the program of their respective camps.

    Section 2 - Officers

    • The youth Firecrafter membership of each Fire shall elect a Chief, Vice-Chief, and a Secretary-Treasurer (or a Secretary and a Treasurer) according to procedures set forth in the by-laws.

    Section 3 - Fire Advisors

    • The Advisor for each Fire shall be the Camp Director of the camp in which the Fire is located.  If the Camp Director is not a member of Firecrafter, the Council Advisor may appoint a Fire Advisor to act in the place of the Camp Director.

    Section 4 - Fire Executive Committee

    • The Fire officers and the Fire Advisor shall constitute the Fire Executive Committee.

    Section 5 - Meetings

    • Each fire shall meet at least once a week while its respective camp is in session to coordinate the Firecrafter activity within the camp.  The Fire Executive Committee shall meet regularly to administer the business of the fire.


    Section 1 - Definition and Function

    • The Firecrafter Alumni Association shall consist of all dues-paid adult members of Firecrafter.  Its’ function shall be to direct the Firecrafter long-term camp promotion effort, to maintain a sound financial posture for Firecrafter, and in general to render service to Scouting and to Firecrafter.

    Section 2 - Officers

    • The Members of the Firecrafter Alumni Association shall elect a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary, and a Treasurer at the Grand Ritual according to procedures set forth in the by-laws for one-year terms beginning the following September 1st, and continuing until their successors have been elected and qualified.

    Section 3 - Alumni Association Executive Committee

    • The affairs of the Firecrafter Alumni Association shall be administered by an Executive Committee consisting of the Advisor to the Firecrafter Council, the Flame Advisors, and the Alumni Association officers, which shall meet regularly.


    Section 1 - By-laws

    • Firecrafter shall have a set of By-laws to detail the duties of the officers and the functioning of each element of the organization.  Such By-laws shall become effective only upon approval by a 2/3 majority vote of the Firecrafter Council Committee.

    Section 2 - Firecrafter Code

    • Firecrafter shall have a Code to detail the administration of the Camp Rank System during the summer camp experience and to detail the conduct of the Rituals.  Such Code shall become effective only upon approval by a 2/3 majority vote of the Firecrafter Council Committee.

    Section 3 - Minisino Code

    • The honor of Minisino, as applied to youth members, shall be administered by a youth Minisino Committee, whose chairman shall be appointed annually by the Firecrafter Council Chief with the approval of the Council Advisor.  This committee shall function in accordance with the Minisino Code established for youth beginning October 1st each year.
    • The honor of Minisino, as applied to adult members, shall be administered by  an Adult Minisino Committee, consisting of seven (7) members. The chairman shall be appointed annually by the Council Advisor with the approval of the President of the Alumni Association and the youth Council Chief.  The President of the Minisino Advisor will select three members and the Council Chief will select three members of the committee.  The committee shall function in accordance with the Minisino Codes established for adults beginning October 1st each year.

    Section 4 - Veto

    • Advisors shall have veto power within their functional group, subject to review by Advisors of higher authority and ultimately by the Crossroads of America Council Scout Executive.
    Section 5 - Ex-Officio Committee Membership
    • The Council Chief, the Council Advisor, the Professional Advisor, and the Crossroads of America Council Scout Executive, shall be ex-officio members of all committees, provided, that if the person listed does not hold the honor of Minisino, they shall not be ex-officio members of the youth Minisino Committee or the Adult Minisino Committee.
    Section 6 - Budget
    • Firecrafter shall operate on an annual budget, which shall be submitted to the Firecrafter Council Committee for approval prior to December 31st by the Treasurer of the Firecrafter Council and the Treasurer of the Firecrafter Alumni Association.
    Section 7 - Dues
    • Dues shall be payable as set forth in the By-laws.  There shall be no Flame, Ember, or Fire dues.
    Section 8 - Handling of Funds.
    • All Firecrafter funds shall be handled through the Crossroads of America Council Service Center and shall be subject to all normal accounting procedures used by the Council. Any funds disbursed to the Flames or Embers shall be maintained in separate financial accounts at the Service Center. The handling of any and all funds shall be subject to the Financial Policy of the Firecrafter Council.
    Section 9 - Review of Financial Records
    • At the end of each calendar year, a Finance Committee shall review the financial records of Firecrafter and report the results of the review at the January Firecrafter Council Committee meeting.  The Finance Committee shall be composed of the Treasurer of the Firecrafter Alumni Association, two alumni members appointed by the President of the Firecrafter Alumni Association, and two youth members appointed by the Council Chief.  If possible, one of the alumni members should be a certified public accountant.
    Section 10 - Suspension and Expulsion
    • The Flames, Embers, Fires, or Alumni Association, directly or through their Executive Committees, may, for cause, suspend the Membership privileges of any member of Firecrafter within their respective jurisdiction until such time as the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee, upon further consideration of such cause, may order further suspension, expulsion, or acquittal by a 2/3 majority vote by an Australian ballot.  The accused member of Firecrafter shall be provided due notice of the charges and shall have full right to plead his cause.  In any case, any member of the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee may disqualify themselves from the proceedings.


    Section 1.       Definition of Insignia

    • The insignia of Firecrafter shall include badges of all camp ranks as well as shirts, belt buckles, patches, pins and all other items bearing Firecrafter symbols.  Each member of Firecrafter shall be entitled to wear the insignia of their rank in a manner prescribed in the By-laws.  The specific insignia and the awards, ranks and honor to which they pertain are described as follows:
    • Cub Scouting Ranks:
      • Webelos-Camper
        • The Webelos-Camper rank insignia shall be a blue and gold Fleur-de-lis, patterned after the Cub Scout rank of Webelos, on a navy blue field in a circular pattern.
      • Firelight
        • The Firelight rank insignia shall be a gold arrow-of-light, patterned after the Webelos Scout award of Arrow-of-Light, on a navy blue field in a circular pattern.
      • In each instance, the wording “Crossroads of America Council” and “Boy Scouts of America” may appear in gold in an arc above and below, respectively, the central pattern on the navy blue field.
    • Firecrafter Ranks:
      • Camper:
        • The Camper rank insignia shall be a large red capital letter C on a navy blue field in a circular pattern.
      • Woodsman
        • The Woodsman rank insignia shall be a large red capital letter C with a gold teepee with three poles showing above and a triangle entrance cut-out centered inside the letter on a navy blue field in a circular pattern.
      • Firecrafter
        • The Firecrafter rank insignia shall be a large red capital letter C with a gold teepee with three poles showing above and a triangle entrance cut-out and a red fire having three flames directly below the teepee centered inside the letter on a navy blue field in a circular pattern.
      • In each instance, the wording “Crossroads of America Council” and “Boy Scouts of America” may appear in gold in an arc above and below, respectively, the central pattern on the navy blue field.
    • Minisino Honor
      • The Minisino honor insignia shall be a large red capital letter C with a gold teepee with three poles showing above and a triangle entrance cut-out and a red fire having three flames directly below the teepee centered inside the letter with a large green block letter M intertwined on a navy blue field in a circular pattern.
      • The wording “Crossroads of America Council” and “Boy Scouts of America” may appear in gold in an arc above and below, respectively, the central pattern on the navy blue field.
    • Other insignia
      • The fraternity letters: XXX which designates the rank of Firecrafter
      • The underscored letter: M which designates the honor of Minisino

    Section 2 - Restriction on Badges of Rank

    • No camp rank badge shall be traded, sold, or given to a non-member of Firecrafter.


    Section 1 - Adoption

    • This constitution shall be adopted only after submission in writing to the Firecrafter Council Committee, debate in at least two meetings of the Council Committee and approval by a 2/3 majority vote of the Committee.


    Section 1 - Constitution and Firecrafter Code

    • Amendments to the Firecrafter Constitution or to the Firecrafter Code may be proposed by a Fire, an Ember, a Flame, the Alumni Association, or an individual member of Firecrafter.  Any such proposed amendment shall be adopted only after submission in writing to the Firecrafter Council Committee, debate in at least two meetings of the Committee and approval by a 2/3 majority vote of the Committee.

    Section 2 - By-Laws

    • The Firecrafter by-laws may be amended by a 2/3 majority vote of the Firecrafter Council Executive Committee or Firecrafter Council Committee.  Amendments may be proposed by a Fire, an Ember, a Flame, the Alumni Association, or an individual member of Firecrafter, and shall be considered only if submitted in writing.

    Firecrafter Constitution Amendment History

    • Constitution Adopted in its substantially current form March 16, 1996
    • 1998
      • Amended Article I, Section 3, Subsection 2) a) to change the maximum age for a youth to become a member of Firecrafter from 18 to 20.
    • March 10, 2001
      • Corrections for Scriveners Errors
        • Amended Article I, Sections 3 and 4; Article II, Sections 4 and 5; Article III, Sections 1 and 4; Article VIII, Section 1; Article X.
      • Changed membership requirements to add Venture and clarify ranks and prerequisites Amended Article I, Section 3
      • Move specific adult membership requirements to By-Laws Amended Article I, Section 4
      • Clarify that Minisino is an honor, not a rank Amended Article I, Section 4; Article II, Section 2; Article IV, Section 1
      • Clarify when “Council” refers to CAC versus Firecrafter Council Committee Amended Article I, Sections 1 and 4; Article II, Sections 3 and 5; Article III, Section 1; Article IV, Section 1; Article V, Section 1; Article VII, Sections 4, 5 and 8
      • Added Assistant Camp Director and Assistant Ranger to eligible candidates Amended Article I, Section 4
      • Eliminated use of “male” pronouns in referring to adult candidates and members Amended Article I, Section 4; Article II, Section 3; Article VII, Section 9
      • Eliminate use of terms July and August in referring to Rituals Amended Article I, Section 4; Article II, Section 4; Article III, Section 3; Article IV, Sections 2 and 3; Article VI, Section 2
      • Eliminate plural use of names of ranks Amended Article II, Sections 1 and 2; Article III, Section 1; Article IV, Section 1; Article V, Sections 1 and 2
      • Establish authority for policies and procedures Amended Article II, Section 5
      • Allow non-voting members a voice in meetings Amended Article II, Sections 5 and 6
      • Conformed writing style Amended Article II, Section 6
      • Clarified appointment of chairmen of committees Amended Article II, Section 7
      • Changed Advisor appointment time to Grand Ritual Amended Article III, Section 3; Article IV, Section 3
      • Changed Fire Consul to Vice-Chief Amended Article V, Section 2
      • Allows appointment of alternate Fire Advisor if Camp Director is not a Firecrafter Amended Article V, Section 3
      • Clarify provisions on Minisino Committees Amended Article VII, Section 3
      • Requires officers to be Minisino to serve ex-officio on Minisino Committees Amended Article VII, Section 5
      • Created Finance Committee Added Article VII, Section 9
      • Defined insignia Amended Article VIII, Section 1
    • January 2011
      • Amended Article IV, Section 1 allowing Firecrafter outside of the Crossroads of America Council to apply for charter as an Ember.
    • August 2013
      • Clarify that the term of an officer ends when their successor is duly initiated into their office Amended Artivle IV Section 2 
    • September 2016
      • Amended Article I, Section 3 allowing a Venturer who is between 18 and 21 and who has completed the Discovery Award to candidate for the rank of Firecrafter

    Firecrafter is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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