The rank of Minisino was established in the spring of 1921. Although called the fourth rank, Minisino is not a rank at all in the sense of outranking Firecrafter, but rather is a recognition and honor of one who has made outstanding contributions to Scouting and Firecrafter and who can be expected to continue their contributions. Minisino is a Miami Indian word meaning "tried and proven". The requirements and manner of selection were secret. Every youth Firecrafter is eligible for candidacy after they have served Scouting and Firecrafter for a prescribed amount of time. If chosen, they will be "tapped out", and in order to be crowned they must successfully complete a two-week candidacy (originally four weeks) in a long-term summer camp having the Firecrafter program. Every adult Firecrafter is a candidate for Minisino from the day of their induction, but their candidacy ordinarily requires a minimum of four years for completion. All Minisinos are crowned at special ceremonies at summer camp or at rituals. The first Minisino crowned was Henry 'Heinie' Marsh in 1921 at Camp Chank-Tun-Un-Gi during the First Camp. Also during the First Camp, Stanley Gray of Troop 21 was crowned. During the Second Camp: Thomas Smith, Junior Williams, and Paxton Unger of Troop 46, along with Harry Ice, Troop 82. During the Fourth Camp: Alfred Franklin, Troop 2, Fred Kirgis, Troop 22, Donald Hawkins, Troop 46, and Merle Miller, Troop 82. During the Fifth Camp: Earl Ostermeier and Gordon Worley of Troop 15, and Charles Highlegman of Troop 46.
Hi-BarkDuring a campfire program in 1924, an unusual camp stunt would lead to the birth of an organization full of surprises, shenanigans, and high jinks. That year, Chief Theodor Sedam, Scribe Charles Pahud, and Treasurer Herb Sweet would be known as the Firecrafter leaders that allowed the unleashing of the Royal Order of Hi-Bark. While Minisino originated as an accolade for special merit in Firecrafter, the Royal Order of Hi-Bark became, for a time, an outlet for the fun and games group. Starting in the summer of 1924 as a stunt to relieve the tedium of staff life, it quickly caught fire and burned its own special brand of loyalty into the hearts of its members. |
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