Section 6: Meetings

Fire Committee Meetings
A Fire meeting should be held at least once a week (recommended at the beginning of the new camping week) to discuss the past week and how to improve the next week.  Any Firecrafter in camp, staff or not, is welcome to attend.  The meeting is a good time to collect the names and campsites of those Firecrafters who are camping for the week who wish to grade campfires.  Campers and Woodsmen should not attend this meeting.  Service projects, Ritual nominations, and quality control of rank administration are recommended subjects to be discussed.  Note: A Fire may nominate adult key staff members of Crossroads of America Council for the rank of Firecrafter if the adult meets the requirements set fourth in the Firecrafter Constitution.  All nominations are subject to approval by the President of the Alumni Association as specified in the Firecrafter By-laws.

Executive Fire Committee Meetings

The Executive Fire Committee is made up of the three officers of the Fire and the Fire Advisor.  The Executive Committee should meet once or twice a week to discuss events and concerns.  The purpose of the Executive Committee is to help the officers work closely together.  The Executive Committee has the ability to conduct the business of the Fire and should do so.  It is easiest to schedule the meeting for the same time each week; however, the meeting does not need to be overly formal since there are only four people involved.

The Fire Executive Committee may suspend the membership privileges of any Firecrafter in the Fire for just cause.  Just cause would be the violation of the ideals of Firecrafter, the Scout Oath, or the Scout Law.  Firecrafters on staff, as well as those camping, are subject to such discipline.  The action of the Fire Executive Committee is subject to review by the Firecrafter Council Committee.  The discipline takes effect immediately upon the Fire Executive Committee’s decision.  The fire must then notify the Firecrafter Council Chief of any actions taken.  A Council Committee meeting is then held, the Fire Chief presents charges, and the accused Firecrafter has a chance to defend himself.  After these presentations, the Firecrafter Council Committee votes by secret ballot to decide the outcome.  A two-thirds majority is needed for expulsion.  Any Firecrafter requiring disciplinary action should be informed of the procedures outlined above.

The duties of the Fire Executive Committee include:
  1. Make executive decisions for the Fire and enforce Fire policy
  2. Coordinate the Fire program with the camp program
  3. Administer Fire Discipline when necessary
  4. Evaluate the Fire and make necessary changes
  5. Approve candidacy extensions when appropriate
  6. Unit Leader’s Meetings

The Vice-chief or representative should attend the first Unit Leader Meeting each week if possible to explain Firecrafter and its policies. Unit Leader materials should be available for leaders and include Summary Sheets and Unit Leader Manuals.  Explanation of where and when to turn in summary sheets and cards is always helpful.  The Vice-chief should identify himself as someone to come to with any problems or questions.

Firecrafter Candidate Meetings

The Vice-chief should hold daily meetings with all the Firecrafter candidates at once.  It is a good time to relay information about daily uniform inspections, scheduling campfires, the Overnighter, Fire by Friction, and other scheduling.  It is also a good time to answer candidate’s questions.

Webelos-Camper, Firelight, Camper, and Woodsman Fire Meeting

Often forgotten, the Webelos-Camper/ Firelight/ Camper/ Woodsman meeting can be a huge success as far a Firecrafter promotion.  It opportunity allows itself at camp a meeting should be held once a week.  It should include announcements, a fun game, and some snacks.  It should be fun and informative.

Firecrafter is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization.

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