On October 22, 2022, several Miami Shawnee ember members (Campers, Woodsmen and Firecrafters) participated in the Miami Valley Council's (Ohio) annual Webelos Journey to Scouting Camporee, held at Cricket Holler. As usual, we hosted the fire building and fire safety station. Justin Gearhardt XXX and Raymond Direito XXX discussed fire safety, after which Hunter Busch taught simple fire building. Justin and Ray also discussed the Firecrafter program and pointed out that Troop 516 is the only troop in the council with an active Firecrafter program.
After teaching and allowing our Cub Scout visitors to safely place a piece of wood on our campfire, Justin and Ray demonstrated fire by friction using their bow drills, with Mr. Duncan helping out as needed. After that, Mr. Duncan demonstrated how to make simple fires using a Ferro rod and a cotton ball gooped up with a bit of petroleum jelly. All Cub Scouts successfully made little fires and were given a small Ferro rod and striker to take home with them - courtesy of the Miami Valley Council. Of course, they were told to use them only with proper adult supervision.
Overall we spent about four hours entertaining about 60 total Cub Scouts, comprising five or six Dens, as well as their Den Leaders and other supporting adults. As usual, our station was the most popular of the day, or so we were told by many.
Later in the day Justin and Ray, and a few of our Woodsmen, were asked to build the fire for the evening's closing campfire. It was a magnificent sight to behold, with flames reaching over 8 feet in the air.